Sunday, April 22, 2007


On a whim, I decided to make bread. I have never even tried to make bread before, so I had to bring in a consultant, AKA my Mom. She sent me the recipe for anadama bread, which she used to make often when I was little. Ryan used to carve off inch-thick slices, spread butter on them, and have just that and a drink for lunch. It is delicious bread. I have fond memories of the smell of it baking, too.

I am very pleased with how it turned out. Admittedly, the picture shows how the loaves are slightly malformed. And I think I should have let it rise more before baking, since it is a little dense, and very chewy at the heels. But it tastes just like I remember. I'll keep one loaf for myself, and the other is going to Sarah and Paul, since Sarah gave me the molasses required by the recipe.

Having never made bread myself before, I didn't know how enjoyable it was. A satisfyingly tactile experience, kneading the dough and forming the loaves. The same reason I like doing the crossword in the paper instead of online - the physical presence of the thing, and working with it. In that same vein, I've started doing a little work on Pegasus, getting her ready to get back on the water. Soon, I'll be bobbing on the Potomac, eating my homemade bread and doing The Onion crossword.

Anadama Bread:
Put in a large mixing bowl:

2 Cups boiling water
1/2 cup corn meal

Stir thoroughly and let stand for 1 hour. Add:

1/2 Cup molasses
2 teaspoons salt
1 Tablespoon butter
1/4 cup maple syrup

In a small bowl put:
1/2 cup lukewarm water
1package yeast

Stir to dissolve and ad to the cornmeal mixture.

Stir in 4 1/2 cups flour. Beat thoroughly, adding more flour if
necessary. Let rise, covered in a warm area until doubled. On a
floured surface add just enough flour to make dough firm enough to
knead. Knead for 5 minutes or so until dough will spring back when
poked. Shape into 2 loaves and put in greased loaf pans. Cover and
let rise in warm area until almost double in size. Bake about 50
minutes at 350 degrees Cool on sides on a wire rack.

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