Arlington Triangle
I took my first proper bike ride of the season yesterday. Until now, I've been using my indoor fluid trainer. Mostly because I am literally a fair weather fan when it comes to biking - I do not enjoy being out on the trails while cold or wet. And I hadn't gotten around to tuning up my road bike until last weekend.
The weather was too perfect to pass up yesterday, though. Warm, but not hot. Good cloud cover, so I didn't have to gear up with SPF 60 beforehand. And only a light breeze - no need to work against a headwind on any of the legs.
I did the Arlington Triangle route, up the 4-Mile Run/W&OD to the Custis, east through Rosslyn, and back down along the Potomac. Great route, good for about 18 miles, and much of it recently repaired and reconditioned. I was surprised there weren't more people out, though - as I said, it was a perfect day to bike or run.
This will have to do for a while, though. I like the Triangle, but the longer ride to Mount Vernon is my favorite. I just don't have the time to do that right now, and still get my PE studying done. And as much as I enjoy riding, I would like to do more with my free time than exercise and study. I also enjoy tv.
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