This past Sunday we lost someone very special. Ray Pellegrini, a close friend of our family, father of one of my best friends, passed away from a heart attack. He was 56. I am hesitant to write about it. I've searched for something meaningful to say, and I've come up with nothing. My friend Matt has written some thoughts here, and he says it in a way that I wish I could.
Ray was a good man, in every sense. As children, I never felt like he talked down to any of us. And he was one of the most gregarious men I've ever known. He was famous for coming to our high school and community musicals and always being the one laugh we could hear over everyone. He and his family have welcomed so many into their home over the years, and Ray's work as a teacher, principal, and educator has improved countless lives. We are lesser in his absence.
Very quickly, the communication has been humming between countless family, neighbors, and friends. I'm sure I've only seen a small fraction of it, but I know that we all stand ready to do anything to help Lucy, Chris, Scott, Kate, and all of Ray's family and loved ones.
Sorry to here about your friend
I am very sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful person.
Thanks for your call last week, Dan. It meant a lot to me.
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