Sunday, April 09, 2006

By Your Command

A few weeks back when Chris visited, we noticed a number of houses with stucco exteriors. Most of them were pretty poorly done. I've declined to include any photos of those - they tend to look like prisons. However, there was one house in particular that Chris thought was well done, and he asked me to photograph it and send him the pictures. I believe this may be in relation to a project he is working on, an addition to our Uncle Tim's house in Kentucky. Here are the shots I took today.

Stucco exterior with nicely done edge elements. Anybody know the right word for those?

Close-up on chimney with edge details Posted by Picasa

Also today, I finally finished with Phase I of the yard work. All of the leaves and trash have been bagged and are ready to be hauled away. There are still little bits of debris all about - sticks and twigs, and getting them all is nearly impossible. I also started pulling up the vines/ground cover/creeping devil plants that are everywhere in the backyard. And they're in the front too, but not to the same degree. But it takes a great deal of effort to get them up - they're tangled into the grass, and into each other, like a basket woven of live plants. It's going to be a long-term project, I think. That's Phase II.

Another project is coming along nicely - the library re-indexing. I've collected Library of Congress Classification or International Standard Book Numbers from all of the non-fiction titles. Using the online LoC index, I should get LCCNs for everything. They're all going into an Excel spreadsheet, which I may convert into an Access database. Six hundred thirty-five volumes and counting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "edge elements" are called 'cornerboards' on the corners, and just referred to as 'trim' everywhere else, including around the windows. Trim and cornerboards are unusual on stucco houses. One benefit of them on this one is that they help with the downspouts from the rain gutters - otherwise the white pipes would stick out like a sore thumb against the dark-colored stucco.