Friday, February 10, 2006

Measure for Measure

I picked up the keys to my new place yesterday. I went by after work to take dimensions on all the rooms, so I could put together a rough floorplan and start planning where everything will go. The result of my efforts is seen to the right. It is very crude - my drafting skills are rusty, and I rushed the measuring, so I had some convergence problems, getting walls to line up and such. But it should be enough to plan by. Click on it for a higher-resolution view. The furniture placements depicted are merely notional, and don't even include everything that's going in. For instance, on the 2nd floor, I plan on placing two reclining chairs, a trunk/coffee table, and all the tv furniture. Probably also my desk, and maybe even the guest bed in the garret on the north end. But I solicit your suggestions; pictures of the house are here.

In an unusual coincidence, as I was there taking measurements, the mailman dropped off my first piece of mail at my new address. My mail doesn't start forwarding until Monday, so I was understandably confused until I noticed that it actually had the new address. It was from my grandparents, a package of articles and clippings they thought I would find interesting, plus a very nice little letter.

It's worth noting that the last few days at work have been much better than most from the last few months. We've been busy, working on a very interesting project that has been delayed by security issues and bureaucracy. It's a shame Jane won't be here much longer, since I feel like we're effective together. But next week we'll have her a nice send-off lunch. Jane had a good one yesterday, actually. She thinks the reason many of our superiors are traumatized to see her go is because they see her as their "work daughter." It's empty nest syndrome. But does that make me the loser son who keeps living at home and can't seem to get his life together?


Anonymous said...

I commend you on your plan-drawing efforts. Aren't drawn-up plans awesome? Don't worry too much about the "convergence problems" - they crop up no matter how hard you try. The biggest factors are varying finish material thicknesses, and walls that are out of true enough to show up in measurements but not to the eye. Unless you're coming up with errors of half a foot or more, forget about it and make it work as best you can.

What cad program are you using to draw this? Are you able to use different size doors? They scale out as 4' wide. There's definitely something up with the bathroom measurements - I think the doors are probably able to open in real life. Are those lights on the wall in the dining room? If so, the symbol is backward. The toilet symbol is cool - looks like it's from the future.

This place is a pretty good size. I count 1600 square feet of footprint (that includes walls), which in a house like this probably results in about 1400 sq.ft. of interior volume.

Gotta go: I have to, you know, work today or something.

Christopher said...


I'm impressed. This place is going to be nice. I like the kitchen.

Where are you going to put the dart board?