Dance, Dance... Revolution!
I was in a meeting the other day, and had to step out to make photocopies. The copier bay was off a hall around the corner. As I come around the bend, I see one of my coworkers, a younger engineer named Katie. And she is rocking the hell out in the hallway by the copier. Doing a kick-ass Robot Dance. She didn't notice me, at first, so I say "That's an awesome Robot you got going there." She says, "Yeah, thanks. Sometimes I start doing the Robot without even knowing it. Once I did it in a meeting." I told Jane about it, and she says she saw Katie doing something like the Electric Boogaloo in Reception one time. I think that's fantastic. I'm not much of a dancer, but I sometimes wish we were a little more laid back at work, and Katie is a great example of what I'm talking about. Rock on, Robot Dancer.
I can't even begin to imagine the shock I would be in (and possibly horror, considering the body-types of the people I work with) if I came around a corner to discover one of my co-workers dancing with some degree of intensity.
On a side note, Katie is a "young" engineer? Unless you went through a wormhole recently, you're 28. What is she in order to be young to you - 12?
Well, she is younger. I never said I was some kind of Methuselah.
It was awesome. I think I'll make it a point to wander by there whenever I need a pick-me-up. Maybe I'll catch the Electric Slide or the the Worm.
You should try replying with "the dance" from Mr. Durand's class in High School.
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